Tuberville In the News: Washington Examiner: Tommy Tuberville’s brave stand

It is hard enough staring down a president and a Democratically controlled Senate, but Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has been doing that for months and now has to take on turncoats in his own party.

Late Thursday night, five Republican senators went to the floor of the Senate to fight with Democrats for President Joe Biden’s free-abortion travel policy for service members.

Before this year, service members had to use their personal time and expenses to secure and pay for abortions. But Biden changed that policy without consulting Congress in February. Now, service members can get three weeks off and paid travel expenses to get abortions.

The reasoning behind this unilateral rule change is there are military bases in states that now have stricter abortion regulations, such as Texas, Florida, and Georgia. Biden claims that if service members in these states aren’t given taxpayer dollars to travel out of state to get an abortion, then national security will suffer.

But women service members have been serving overseas for decades in countries with abortion laws far stricter than Texas. If taxpayer-funded abortion travel was so essential for national security, why haven’t service members serving overseas been given this money for decades now?

The reality is that we don’t need taxpayer-funded abortion travel to protect the country. The only reason Biden made this policy change was so that he could say his administration did something in response to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade.

In response to Biden’s unilateral and political policy change announced in February, Tuberville said he would force individual votes on all military promotions until Biden reverses his unnecessary policy.

Despite immense pressure from the White House and the Pentagon, Tuberville has held firm. And he held firm again Wednesday night when five of his Republican colleagues went to the Senate floor and attacked him for standing up for the Senate’s right to influence executive branch behavior through the appointment approval process.

For all that Biden, the Democrats, and his Republican allies complain about the damage Tuberville is doing to national security, this entire controversy could be ended in a second if Biden would announce he is reversing his taxpayer-funded abortion travel policy.

The military protected our country for over 200 years without paying for abortion travel, and it didn’t suddenly become essential this February.

The only person endangering national security on this matter is Biden, the Democrats, and now, his Republican allies.