Tuberville In the News: 1819 NEWS: Alabama federal delegation speaks out in opposition to Biden admin VA Hospital abortion proposal

Republicans in Alabama’s congressional delegation are expressing their disapproval of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) proposal to offer abortion services to veterans and their beneficiaries in certain circumstances.

Since there are no federal restrictions on abortion, the Biden administration claims the VA can perform an abortion even in states that have banned or regulated the practice. Such a claim is based on the belief that since the VA operates within federal jurisdiction and on federally owned land, Alabama’s 2019 Human Life Protection Act does not apply to VA personnel.

1819 News reached out to members of the delegation to gauge their reaction and see their plans to address the VAs announcement.

“Forcing taxpayers to fund abortion is a clear violation of federal law,” said U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover). “Despite the Biden Administration’s opposition to the Hyde Amendment, it still exists to prevent this very action. This is another example of the clear assault on the rule of law and another example of President Biden’s willful violation of the oath he took to uphold the law. With this decree, President Biden shows more contempt for the laws enacted by the people’s elected representatives, further undermining one of the most fundamental tenets of American democracy—that we are a nation of laws and not men.”

U.S. Rep Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) recently joined other members of Congress in sending a letter asking the VA to rescind its newly enacted rule. According to Moore, the VA would violate the Hyde Amendment, a law prohibiting using federal dollars to fund abortion.

“The VA is supposed to be focused on caring for our nation’s veterans, especially in the face of a massive backlog that has thousands of veterans waiting months for critical care, but instead, they are prioritizing the extinguishing of innocent lives,” said Moore. 

”Congress needs to hold President Biden and Secretary McDonough accountable for violating current law as this flies in the face of numerous state abortion laws and the Hyde Amendment, which bars taxpayer-funded abortions for active military members.” 

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) held a teleconference on Wednesday, addressing the VA’s announcement.

“There’s going to be a lot of repercussions from what President Biden has done,” Tuberville said. “Again, he’s forcing a square rod into a round hole. It can’t happen right now. The VAs aren’t equipped. He’s trying to push something illegal into our VAs. Our Attorney General Steve Marshall has made comments in the state. It will be a state and federal matter. We’re going to go after them with everything we’ve got. They’re just looking for something to encourage their supporters to vote for them in November. I don’t think this is going to help at all. It’s just another overstep of this White House and this administration.”

There have not been any clear and concise details on how state authorities can combat the actions of a federal rule that does not fall under the purview of state law. However, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said he would continue prosecuting under the state’s current abortion law.

Although she is not yet a member of Alabama’s federal delegation, 1819 News reached out to Katie Britt’s campaign, asking if Britt intended to address the issue if she takes office. While Britt did not offer comment, her spokesman, Sean Ross, clarified her position.

“Katie is going to be a champion for life and for families in the U.S. Senate,” Ross emphasized. “She is going to vote to protect life at every opportunity, and she’ll continue the fight to ensure that Alabamians’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars do not fund abortions anywhere.”