Second Amendment

The Second Amendment of the Constitution is very clear in its guarantee of our right to bear arms. As an avid sportsman and hunter, I don’t believe law-abiding citizens should have their rights infringed upon by bureaucratic activists, misguided lawmakers, or activist judges.

Standing Up for our Second Amendment Rights

I’ll always work to defend the Second Amendment rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. I have opposed, and will continue to oppose, any nominees to the U.S. Department of Justice who fail to respect the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. I will continue to fight against government overreach to curtail law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

  • I pushed back against a proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that would expand the purview of the National Firearms Act of 1968 (NFA) to include common and widely used stabilizing braces. This rule would have constituted the largest executive branch-imposed gun grab in American history.
  • supported the SHORT Act, which would stop the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation of certain firearms such as short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and many other weapons. 
  • I also supported the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.  This bill would ensure that state-issued concealed-carry permits are treated like a driver’s license. This means that individuals can use their home state’s concealed-carry permit to carry in another state as long as they are adhering to that state’s concealed-carry laws.
  • pushed for answers from the ATF on the Bureau’s overreaching decision to reject law-abiding Americans’ attempts to create and own a suppressor. 
  • supported legislation to address the rapid increase in the number of “smash-and-grab” thefts targeted at federally licensed gun dealers. As crime increases across our nation under the Biden administration, law abiding businesses like gun stores and pawn shops are seeing a dramatic rise in firearm theft by criminals and gang members. An increase in illegal and untraceable firearms on our streets means a decrease in the safety of American communities.
  • cosponsored legislation to increase penalties for criminals who steal firearms from federally licensed firearms and ammunition dealers. We need to protect the Second Amendment for law-abiding people and ensure that criminals get the justice they deserve. This bill will keep criminals who use stolen guns where they belong: behind bars.