National Security & Defense

The United States military remains the most powerful fighting force in the world. We must keep it that way. A strong military is the best way to protect our freedom here at home and promote stability around the world.

As the son of a World War II veteran, I know firsthand the sacrifices that our brave servicemen and servicewomen make to keep us all safe. Freedom is not free—and it is the heroic actions of our men and women in uniform that have made America a beacon of democracy and prosperity around the world. For decades, America has been respected and feared on the world stage. Unfortunately, President Biden’s disastrous foreign policy, including the ill-advised, hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, set off a ripple effect emboldening our enemies and making our allies and partners less secure. Now, we see that countries like Iran, Russia, and China are on the move—and Joe Biden’s foreign policy is appeasement. Joe Biden has put America last—and the world is a more dangerous place as a result.

I am proud to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee. I am committed to making sure the United States military is ready to face the challenges ahead. It is imperative that we prioritize robust funding to increase the depth and lethality of our armed forces. We must make sophisticated, long-term, and serious investments to give our armed forces the tools they need to protect the nation. We cannot allow ourselves to be outpaced in spending or development by those who wish to do us harm.

Alabama has a long history of military excellence and hosts five bases across the state: Redstone Arsenal, Maxwell-Gunter, Fort Novosel, Anniston Army Depot, and Ft. McClellan Training Center Alabama National Guard. The men and women at these facilities are integral to our national security and Alabama is proud of their dedication to their fellow Americans.

Alabama is also home to some of the brightest stars in the space industry. Huntsville, “The Rocket City”, plays a vital role in both commercial and national security space efforts—the city has been instrumental to America’s space programs since the Apollo era. I will continue to advocate for Redstone Arsenal, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and all of the guardian organizations that help ensure that the U.S. is at the forefront of this new frontier. I have also been leading the fight to bring U.S. Space Command to its rightful home in Huntsville.

Making a Difference

I serve on important subcommittees that position me well to advocate for a strong national security and military while protecting American taxpayers: 

  • The Subcommittee on Strategic Forces is responsible for nuclear and strategic forces, arms control and non-proliferation programs, space programs, Department of Energy defense nuclear and defense environmental management programs, and missile defense.
  • The Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support is responsible for training, logistics, and maintenance, military construction, housing construction and privatization, contracting and acquisition policy, business and closure, and defense energy and environmental programs.
  • The Subcommittee on Seapower is responsible for Navy and Marine Corps planning and operations policy and programs.

Supporting Our Military

Our world is growing more dangerous every day with adversaries around the globe testing our resolve. It is critical we ensure our men and women in uniform have the resources necessary to combat threats from land, sea, sky, and space. The Senate Armed Services Committee is responsible for authorizing our military each year through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Through this legislation, I work with my colleagues to make necessary investments in our military and defense.

  • Securing Wins for Alabama: worked with my colleagues to pass the FY2024 NDAA, which secured major wins for Alabama, including:
    • Giving our troops the largest military pay raise in decades, with a 5.2% raise for the over 37,000 troops stationed in Alabama. 
    • Making investments in Alabama’s military bases and defense industry. Nearly $2 billion will impact both public and private Alabama entities.
      • Over $1.5 billion will support the Missile Defense Agency
      • Over $117 million will be directed to the Redstone Arsenal
      • Over $68 million will be directed to the Alabama Army National Guard
      • Over $65 million will be directed to Maxwell Air Force Base
      • Over $41 million will be directed to Fort Novosel
      • Over $16 million will be directed to the Anniston Army Depot
      • Over $7 million will be directed to the Alabama Air National Guard
    • Authorizing $316.6 million in Military Construction Projects in our state, including:
      • $68 million for a Ground Test Facility at Redstone
      • $65 million for Military Family Housing at Maxwell
      • $57 million for a new Army Reserve Center in Birmingham
      • $41.2 million for new Barracks at Fort Novosel
  • Protecting our Farmland: The Senate overwhelmingly voted to add a key part of my legislation to the FY2024 NDAA which would prohibit the sale of U.S. agricultural land to any individual or entity tied to governments of Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia. 
  • Increasing the Military Budget: urged President Biden to include a 5% increase above inflation for the defense spending in his FY2023 budget request. By an overwhelmingly-bipartisan vote, the Senate Armed Services Committee approved funding at $45 billion higher than the President’s dangerously insufficient request.
  • Ending the Vaccine Mandate: I secured a provision to protect service members from the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine mandate in the FY2023 NDAA.
    • questioned Army officials on the lasting effects of the woke vaccine policy on the military and its recruiting downfall.
  • Fighting for SPACECOM’s Relocation to Huntsville: continued my fight against the Biden administration’s attempts to derail the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF) decision to permanently locate U.S. Space Command at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville. I blocked the move of SPACECOM Headquarters from Alabama to Colorado until June 30, 2024 as part of the FY2024 NDAA.
    • I pressed the USAF Secretary for answers about the continued delay in finalizing the location of SPACECOM and advocated for the move in multiple Senate Armed Services Committee hearings.
    • I introduced a bill urging my colleagues to stop the Biden administration from picking federal leases or property buildings based on the ‘legality or availability’ of abortion services in certain states.
    • I penned an op-ed vowing to stop at nothing to ensure President Trump’s decision to move SPACECOM to Huntsville remains intact.

Investing in Cybersecurity: I helped reauthorize the National Computer Forensics Institute in Hoover, AL, and provided resources to expand its capability to train federal law enforcement officers. This institute is the only of its kind in the nation and provides innovative training for law enforcement officials on how to combat cybercrimes.

Boosting Alabama's Defense Industry

Small defense contractors are the backbone of our defense industry—providing countless jobs and cutting-edge technologies, which have allowed our military to lead the world. In the past 30 years, these integral contractors have struggled to compete with large defense contractors. I firmly believe that small and medium-sized businesses are creative economic drivers and the most innovative wing of our defense industrial base. As new global threats have emerged, I will continue to advocate for Alabama’s defense industry to ensure that companies big and small can continue producing game-changing equipment and technologies.

  • I kicked off the FY2025 NDAA with a listening session that included various members of the Alabama defense industry, including hundreds of meetings with stakeholders and small defense contractors. These sessions provide me with vital information which will allow me to build on wins from past years as I work to represent Alabama’s robust defense industry in the FY2025 NDAA.
  • led an effort to support Alabama’s clothing and textile manufactures by calling for targeted action from the Department of Defense (DoD) to address constrains placed on companies from COVID and inflation.
  • In the previous Congress, I fought to require the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to consult with the commercial industry and report to congressional defense committees on the testing and evaluation for commercial cloud service providers.

Protecting Americans from Communist Chinese Influence

The Communist Chinese Party seeks to overtake the United States as the top global superpower. Under Joe Biden’s weak leadership, China has grown economically, become more militarily aggressive towards Taiwan, purchased thousands of acres of U.S. farmland, and infiltrated American schools. We must address China’s growing military and non-military threats with clear-eyed resolve.

  • pushed the DoD to release the list of Chinese military companies operating in the U.S—directly or indirectly—as required by federal law.
  • I introduced the Foreign Adversary Risk Management Act to bolster the U.S.’s role on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
  • forced the Biden administration to clarify whether President Biden’s four nominees to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board would permit Thrift Savings Plan funds to be invested in Chinese companies.
  • introduced legislation to ban members of the Chinese Communist Party from obtaining B-1 and B-2 visas for vacation and non-official government business in the U.S.
  • traveled to the Indo-Pacific region to support the U.S. military’s largest combatant command, meet with our allies and partners, and discuss ways to counter Chinese aggression.

Holding Biden Accountable for Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

The American people deserve answers about President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 U.S. service members dead. I will continue to push for accountability and transparency from all levels of the Biden administration.

  • fought for answers following President Biden’s irresponsible and dangerous Afghanistan withdrawal by introducing legislation that would establish a bipartisan, bicameral Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan.
  • I grilled the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy during his confirmation hearing about the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
  • delivered a floor speech demanding transparency into how 13 American lives were lost in the hasty withdrawal.
    • ‘‘To those soldiers, sailors, Marines, airman, and guardsmen who served in Afghanistan, I promise you this: we will get answers from this administration.” WATCH my full floor speech.

Protecting Taxpayers from Bankrolling Foreign Wars

While I support Ukraine in their ongoing war against Russia, I do not believe it is the role of the United States to bankroll a war halfway around the world. Neither President Biden nor Ukrainian President Zelenskyy have outlined a clear plan to win. President Biden should focus on securing our own borders before sending another cent to Ukraine.

  • I have voted against each traunche of Ukraine funding, including the 2024 foreign aid bill that ultimately passed in the Senate. The United States is borrowing tens of thousands of dollars per second and we simply cannot afford to keep bankrolling foreign wars.
  • Ahead of the 2024 foreign aid package vote, I delivered remarks on the Senate floor raising serious concerns on behalf of millions of taxpayers about the exorbitant price tag of the legislation.
    • I exposed the glaring problems in the proposed legislation, which prioritized Ukraine aid over the border. WATCH
  • I questioned Secretary Austin as to whether he believed Ukraine could win the war. WATCH.
  • I sent a letter to the White House rejecting further U.S. funding for the war in Ukraine.
  • urged Senate leadership to separate Ukraine aid from Israel aid in the wake of the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack on Israel. Israel is one of our closest and most important allies, Ukraine is not.
  • Soon after Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine, I forcefully condemned Putin on the Senate floor. WATCH.
  • I penned an op-ed about how we should take care of our problems at home before bankrolling foreign wars.

Standing Up to Iran

When Joe Biden took office, Iran was broke. In the weeks leading up to the brutal October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks against Israel, Joe Biden cut a deal with Iran by unfreezing $6 billion of Iranian assets. The Biden administration’s foreign policy of appeasement towards Iran has empowered terrorists and other countries who hate us.

  • joined my colleagues in introducing the Revoke Iranian Funding Act to freeze the $6 billion in funding the Biden administration released to Iran. This would ensure these dollars are not used by Iran to promote terrorism against Israel or any other nation. 
  • urged the U.S. Department of the Treasury to enforce existing sanctions on Iranian steel exports.
  • I delivered a floor speech demanding the Biden administration abandon any negotiations to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal. WATCH.
  • Along with 49 of my Republican Senate colleagues, I condemned the Biden administration’s attempts to revive the flawed Iran Nuclear Deal. READ more here.

Standing Strong with Israel

I stand unequivocally with Israel and I am horrified by the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas against innocent Israeli and American citizens. Israel has every right to defend itself. I am deeply disturbed by the rise of blatant antisemitism on the Left, especially on college campuses. Our support for Israel must be resolute as we strongly condemn all antisemitism.

  • Following the attacks on October 7, 2023, I cosponsored the Emergency Resupply for IRON DOME Act of 2023, emphasizing the need to resupply Israel’s highly-effective missile defense interceptors.
  • joined my colleagues in urging President Biden to rescue American hostages taken by Hamas as soon as possible.
  • called on President Biden to enforce existing law and revoke the visas of foreign nationals who support Hamas or other Foreign Terrorist Organizations.
  • joined my colleagues in condemning the Biden administration for halting weapon sales to Israel.
  • I raised concerns about the antisemitism on full display on college campuses across the country.
    • expressed disapproval of the resurgence of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement on college campuses to economically harm Israel and threaten Israel’s right to exist as a nation.
    • participated in a roundtable discussion addressing the disturbing rise of anti-Semitic incidents on college campuses.
    • joined a resolution condemning the violent antisemitic protests, which have erupted across college campuses. The resolution applauds the heroic actions of University of North Carolina (UNC) fraternity members who bravely protected the American flag after protestors attempted to replace it with a Palestinian flag.
    • I cosponsored the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act, which would prevent any pro-Hamas protestor on college campuses convicted of a crime from having their student loans forgiven.