
I know how important family, faith, and freedom are to Alabamians, because they are also important to me. That’s why I am fighting to preserve our conservative values that make up the foundation of our democracy.

Alabamians can count on me to be a champion for strengthening and supporting our families and upholding the sanctity of life. Being pro-life means pro-family—and I’m proud to support IVF along with adoption and foster care services. Our traditional conservative values are being attacked like never before by left-wing extremists who want to indoctrinate our kids, allow abortion up until birth, and weaken the nuclear family. I won’t let it happen. 

Preserving the Sanctity of Life

One of the most important rights we have as Americans is the right to life. As a Christian, I believe life begins at conception. As an American, I believe every life has constitutional protections. Every human life is precious and must be cherished and protected.

During my time in Washington, I have taken action to support the most vulnerable among us. I will continue pushing back against the Biden administration’s pro-abortion, anti-family policies that seek to erode the American way of life. You can count on me to be a voice for the voiceless and champion for the God-given rights of the unborn. 

  • applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and uphold Dobbs v. Jackson Health Organization.
  • “After months of a disgraceful public pressure campaign and failed efforts from Democrats to force their extreme and unpopular abortion-on-demand agenda on the American people, I’m glad the Court didn’t bow to outside pressure and maintained their judicial independence.”
  • Read my full statement here.

Protecting Taxpayers from Funding Biden's Abortion-on-Demand Agenda

We must hold our leaders accountable to ensure that the taxpayer dollars of hardworking Americans—including those of many Alabamians—are not used to fund abortions.

  • opposed Xavier Becerra’s nomination for Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) due to his support of taxpayer funding for abortions.
  • joined with Republican colleagues to call out HHS for their reversal of the Trump administration’s policies that established ethical safeguards and transparency for research involving human fetal tissue from elective abortions.
  • introduced a joint resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the Biden administration’s 2021 Final Rule on the Title X Family Planning Program and stop federal funding for abortion.
  • joined my colleagues to introduce the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act, legislation to help end taxpayer support for the abortion industry.
  • demanded the FDA restore stringent oversight of the distribution of chemical abortion pills after eliminating the in-person dispensing requirements for abortion-on-demand drugs.

Holding the Department of Defense Accountable

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) under Joe Biden announced it would begin using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion-related travel for military servicemembers and their dependents. This controversial policy was never voted on in Congress and defies the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal tax dollars from funding abortions. This policy violates federal law and the consciences of many pro-life Alabamians who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars subsidizing abortions. After learning of the DoD’s intentions, I immediately took action.

  • I immediately demanded the DOD clarify an internal memo that claimed the overturning of Roe v. Wade would impact military readiness. 
  • After the Department’s initial refusal to follow through with a briefing on its intent to implement the travel policy, I placed a hold on all DoD nominations, until the Department provided the requested information. 
  • After the Department finally provided information on the expansion of the abortion policy, I notified Secretary Austin that I would place a hold on all future DoD general and flag officer nominations, in addition to civilian nominees, if the Department proceeded with this illegal policy. 
  • In opposition to the Biden administration’s policy to use taxpayer resources to facilitate abortions, I held military nominations on admirals, generals, and civilian nominees for 11 months. The ability to hold nominees is one of few tools that senators in the minority have to make their voices heard. Unfortunately, Chuck Schumer threatened to permanently change the Senate rules, forcing me to drop my holds rather than blow up decades of precedent. 
    • “I will never stop fighting to defend taxpayers and the unborn.” WATCH.

Holding the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountable

For more than 30 years, federal law prohibited the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from performing abortion services at its facilities. Through the use of agency rulemaking, the Biden administration worked around Congress to establish a policy to allow abortions to be provided at VA facilities and through their community care network. This regulation not only runs contrary to existing U.S. law and congressional intent, but it also diverts resources from veterans receiving care at the VA. 

  • I questioned VA Secretary McDonough about how the VA is implementing this new rule and emphasized my strong opposition to the policy. You can see my full remarks here.
  • Additionally, I joined a bicameral effort callingon Secretary McDonough to rescind the rule and stop providing abortions at VA facilities. Read the full letter here.
  • I introduced theVA Abortion Transparency Act to impose new abortion reporting requirements on the VA to create more transparency for taxpayers. Despite multiple congressional demands, the VA has refused to release updated data regarding additional abortions facilitated since its initial report in October 2023.