Wednesday night, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his armed forces to conduct a special military operation in Eastern Ukraine. Media reports indicate that the operation has led to a full-scale invasion of the former Soviet-occupied province.
Members of Alabama’s congressional delegation reacted to the Russian incursion, which marks the first major conflict on European soil since World War II. Alabama’s federal representation, which holds numerous congressional roles relating to matters of national security, urged President Joe Biden to enact strong sanctions against Russia over its aggression.
U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), lead Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense, advised that Putin’s adventurism in Ukraine was part of his plan to restore the Soviet Union.

Last week, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, traveled to Germany for the Munich Security Conference where global defense leaders discussed the escalation of tensions in Ukraine.
“Putin is a tyrant attacking a sovereign nation. I condemn this unnecessary war and implore the free world to cripple Russia with sanctions,” stated Tuberville. “The United States stands with the Ukrainian people and will support them with the supplies and financial aid needed to protect their country.”
U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), lead Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, released a statement on the situation Wednesday night.
“The last few hours have laid bare for the world to witness the true evil that is Vladimir Putin,” declared Rogers. “Today, we stand resolute with the Ukrainian people and resolve to provide them with the tools they need to withstand and repel this unprovoked attack. Every drop of Ukrainian and Russian blood spilled in this conflict is on Putin’s hands, and his alone.”
He added, “In response, we are committed to enacting the strongest possible sanctions and export controls to cripple Russia’s ability to make war, punish its barbarity and relegate the Putin regime to the status of an international pariah. We cannot respond like we did in 2008 or 2014. The world must never forget or forgive this heinous act.”
According to House Armed Services Committee member U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Mobile), the United States should levy harsh sanctions against Putin’s regime in response to the invasion.
“Putin’s invasion of Ukrainian sovereign territory is an act of pure evil, and he should be met with resolve and strength to support Ukraine and its people,” proclaimed Carl. “The United States stands with the people of Ukraine and our NATO allies, and I strongly urge President Biden to enact the toughest possible sanctions to cripple Russia and prevent them from continuing unprovoked attacks.”
U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville), member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, called the situation “heartbreaking” and said that the United States should stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
“What we have seen over the past few hours in Ukraine is truly heartbreaking,” stated Aderholt. “Vladimir Putin has attacked a sovereign nation without cause. This is something that has not occurred in Europe since World War II.”
“Ukraine is a peaceful, freedom loving people,” added the congressman. “This invasion is a brutal effort by Putin to stamp out a democratic nation on his doorstep. This invasion will lead to thousands of innocent deaths. I am praying for, and encourage us as a nation, to stand with the Ukrainian people during this dark time.”
UPDATE 3:45 p.m.:
U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), member of the House Armed Services Committee, described Putin’s actions as “barbaric and evil.”
“Communist dictator Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is barbaric and evil,” declared Brooks. “Putin brought war to a peaceful people. Unfortunately, Ukrainians are learning the hard way that freedom and a republican form of government are never granted, they are hard-won.”
“While Putin’s Ukrainian invasion and murders are heinous, this is first and foremost a problem for Western Europe to resolve,” added Brooks. “America should impose maximum economic sanctions to force a hefty price on Russia for its brutal Ukraine invasion. America should wait and consider military assistance to our European allies only if Europe asks and, even then, only if Europe takes the lead military role in whatever defensive measures, if any, Europe decides is appropriate to counter Russia’s barbaric invasion of an otherwise peaceful nation.”
U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) stated that the United States should enable its energy sector to supply Western nations with oil and natural gas to ensure Europe would not be dependent upon Russian-produced energy.
“Once again, the world faces the consequences of weak and indecisive leadership as an aging dictator attempts to reestablish a repressive and evil empire,” said Palmer. “Vladimir Putin has long harbored deep, malicious resentment over the breakup of the Soviet Union, and he has been clear about his aspiration to restore the Russian empire by subjugating former Soviet bloc nations. America and our allies must exact a high price from Putin and Russia, starting with imposing severe economic and diplomatic sanctions. America should unleash the full strength of our oil and natural gas resources to help replace Europe’s dependency on Russia as their source for oil and natural gas.”
Palmer continued, “However, this must not be the end of our response. Putin is expecting sanctions and is already seeking more economic support from countries like China, who have their own military pursuits in mind. At this point, it should be abundantly clear that Putin will not stop until he is convinced the cost will be too high. The United States and our allies must make the sanctions against Putin both damaging and persistent in order to end this violence and deter more from occurring. Consequently, the U.S. and our NATO allies should mobilize forces as a clear demonstration that any aggression against NATO members will be met swiftly and decisively.”
According to U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise), Putin’s quest to reconstruct the Ukrainian bloc of the Soviet Union was invited by Biden’s “weakness and delayed reaction.”
“Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine is unprovoked and evil, but despite what President Biden says, this aggression was not inevitable,” advised Moore. “President Biden’s history of weakness and delayed action opened the door for Putin to continue the annexation of former Soviet territory that began with the invasion of Crimea during the Obama Administration. Pseudo-toughness, passive support and platitudes will never be enough to stop immoral autocrats like Putin. We must never forget what is happening today – and why it happened. I hope you’ll join me in praying for the people of Ukraine as they fight for their freedoms and calling on the Administration to – for once – act decisively and hold Putin accountable for this heinous aggression.”