Tuberville In the News: Manchin will vote for part of $3.5T reconciliation bill: Sen. Tommy Tuberville

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, joined FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria” and said after talking with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. “several times,” he believes the Democrat senator will vote for the reconciliation bill but only after the price of the bill is negotiated down. 

SEN. TOMMY TUBERVILLE: We need to make sure that we watch what goes on with Joe Manchin in terms of the money that he’s going to sign on. Now he’s going to sign this bill. He’s going to sign on. I’ve talked to him several times, but he says it’s not going to be probably 1.5, 2 trillion — that’s still too much. 

He will vote for part of the 3.5 [trillion dollar plan]. It won’t be 3.5. There’s no way. But there’ll be a fight between him and the very far left. 

He understands that we cannot keep throwing money in this economy because inflation’s already high as it’s ever been in 20 years. He understands that. He’s been a governor. He actually has some common sense, but he will vote for it at some part. I just hope that we don’t get all that other stuff involved – the amnesty and the Voting Rights Act in this reconciliation. That’s a big key to watch over the next week or two. 

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