Tuberville In the News: WSFA Montgomery: Sen. Tuberville honors Notasulga veteran in new video series

NOTASULGA, Ala. (WSFA) – U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville has kicked off a new monthly video series to honor Alabama’s veterans.

Tuberville’s “Veteran of the Month” series can be seen on his official social media pages. The plan is to recognize a different Alabama veteran each month for their service and contribution to their community.

The first of the series went online Monday, and a woman from Notasulga is front and center. Master Sgt. Dawn Smith gave 20 years of service to the U.S. Air Force before starting a cattle operation with her husband, Tim, who also served in the Air Force for 23 years.

“She credits the ‘no-fail’ mentality learned in the military for helping her succeed as a first-time farmer,” Tuberville said.

The senator said Smith joined the Air Force right out of high school, starting as a missile maintainer before retraining as an eye care technician. She later became a non-commissioned officer academy instructor.

Tuberville said she described her military career as “a continuing education experience.” She credits her time in the Air Force with giving her greater awareness and compassion for the needs of others around the world, a mentality that played into her mission trips both during her service and after retirement.

Smith now runs Lone Oak Farm in Notasulga. Tuberville said the family has grown their business from two cows to 35, with meat sales across the state.

Smith is also a 4-H agent assistant for the Tallapoosa County school system, where she teaches agriculture-related skills to fourth, fifth and sixth graders. She also helps high schoolers learn produce skills twice a year. She also helps develops student curriculums, including lessons on the American flag’s history, meaning and care.

“Sgt. Smith is truly a lifelong learner who is always willing to share her knowledge and experiences with others,” Tuberville said.

“In the military, you’re always either being trained or training someone, and there’s so much continuing education that happens in the military. And so I’m able to draw on a lot of my experiences to put that into the lessons, and it is so much fun,” Smith says in the video.

Tuberville is accepting nominations for his video series. If you would like to nominate an Alabama veteran, submit their information for consideration by emailing