U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville bashed the Biden Administration for its controversial dealings with Iran and continued appeasement of pro-Hamas radicals on a call with reporters Wednesday.
“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have brought us to the brink of another war,” Tuberville (R-Auburn) said. “It’s not a mystery how this happened. This administration has flushed Iran with cash, and now Iran is bankrolling terrorism all over the Middle East.”
Tuberville accused the administration, particularly Harris, of turning its back on Israel for political points.
“This is why Kamala couldn’t bring herself to show up to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s congressional address last week. It’s because Hamas has become a key constituency for the Democratic Party. Just last week, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi stood by while pro-Hamas protesters destroyed property two blocks from my office in the Capitol. Democrats are more concerned with appeasing our enemies than supporting our friends and allies.”
“It’s the weakest, and I repeat, the weakest administration in the history of this country. It has made us a complete joke in the eyes of the world.”
“Americans deserve a real leadership in the White House.”
He commented on a senior terrorist killed early Wednesday morning in Tehran, Iran.
“On October 23, 1983, terrorists killed 241 Americans, including 220 marines in Beirut, Lebanon. Last night, Israeli defense forces reportedly killed a top terrorist leader responsible for those American lives lost.”
”Semper Fi.”
Tuberville also brought attention to another recent failure by the Biden Administration to project strength after a plea deal was granted to the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks.