ICYMI: Joe Biden talks, Tuberville takes action to support Israel

“Hamas has got to be totally wiped out. They killed American citizens. They’ve got hostages. We don’t take that – we go after it.”

WASHINGTON – In the wake of the barbaric terror attacks against Israel, President Biden has continued to go soft on Iran, the world’s top sponsor of terrorism. When Joe Biden took office, Iran was broke. Now, they are sitting on billions after Joe Biden eased sanctions on them and tried to cajole them back into another nuclear giveaway. Iran has admitted to helping Hamas orchestrate these attacks on Israeli civilians. After visiting Israel for a day, Joe Biden announced $100 million for the Palestinians, untold amounts of which will end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists. Joe Biden has done more for Palestinians than for victims of the train derailment disaster in East Palestine, OH, which he has yet to visit.

Following an attack on a hospital in Gaza, journalists and members of the leftist “squad” instantly parroted terrorist talking points and blamed Israel, despite the fact there was direct video evidence indicating who was responsible. Left-wing violence and protests then broke out at American embassiesinside the U.S. Capitol, and drone strikes hit U.S. military bases in the furor inspired by these lies. Instead of condemning the American media and members of his own party for lying, President Biden suggested Hamas terrorists “got to know how to shoot straight.”

In the absence of real leadership from the White House, Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has been taking action to defend and support the United States’ closest ally in the Middle East. Senator Tuberville stands unequivocally with Israel and is not afraid to call Hamas what they are: terrorists.

This week, Sen. Tuberville took legislative action to support and supply our allies in Israel:

  1. Sponsored the Revoke Iranian Funding Act to freeze the $6 billion in funding the Biden administration released to Iran at the bank in Qatar where it is currently being held. This would ensure these dollars are not used by Iran to promote terrorism against Israel or any other nation. 
  2. Sponsored the Emergency Resupply for IRON DOME Act of 2023, a bill to require the Executive Branch to transfer the U.S. foreign assistance that the U.S. Department of State plans to send to Hamas-controlled Gaza and redirect it to resupply Israel’s highly-effective missile defense interceptors.
  3. Sponsored the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Accountability and Transparency Act to cut U.S. funds to the antisemitic United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The UNRWA has a history of employing individuals affiliated with Hamas, an Iranian-backed, U.S.- designated terrorist organization. Additionally, UNRWA schools have been used to store Hamas weapons and promote anti-Semitic education in their textbooks.
  4. Sent a letter to President Biden asking him to prioritize rescuing American hostages that were taken by Hamas during its attacks on Israel and to support Israel’s efforts to wipe out Hamas. 
  5. Joined his colleagues on Wednesday in calling on President Joe Biden to enforce existing law and revoke the visas of foreign nationals who endorse or espouse activity in support of Hamas or other Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).
  6. Voted for the bipartisan resolution of support for Israel that passed the Senate on Thursday.

Sen. Tuberville repeatedly emphasized the need for Israel to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth in interviews this week. Excerpts below:

“Hamas has got to be totally wiped out. We’ve got to go after them. They killed American citizens. They’ve got hostages. We don’t take that – we go after it. And hopefully Joe Biden will strengthen up here and make some good decisions. He hasn’t made any good foreign relations decisions probably in our lifetime.”

“Well, this a different type of war, Larry. These are a bunch of animals. They don’t care whether they die or not. We’ve got hostages there. We’ve lost thirty Americans. […] Unfortunately, Joe Biden, the empty suit that he’s in, […] gave them all their money back and dropped the sanctions. They were almost broke when President Trump was in office. Now they’re worth hundreds of billions of dollars. […] The problem obviously is Hamas, who’s a bunch of animals, and Iran. But the problem here is we have no leadership from Joe Biden. He could have stopped this.”

“This is a disaster, what’s going on. And it’s all caused by Joe Biden. Iran was almost bankrupt when Joe Biden took office. President Trump put all the sanctions on them – they couldn’t sell their oil. We were producing oil and people were buying from us all over the world. […] But now since they closed it down over here, Iran is making billions of dollars after Joe Biden took the sanctions off. And it’s just enhanced all these terrorists. Joe Biden is directly responsible along with a few other people for what’s happening over in Israel right now.”

“We need to get our hostages out. We need to take care of business. I’m 120% behind Israel. We need to eradicate Hamas. This is awful what has happened over there, and hopefully our military’s ready…”

Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.
