Tuberville, Alabama Congressional Delegation Urge President Biden to Increase Federal Cost Share for FEMA Public Assistance to 100% Following January 12th Storms

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined members of the Alabama Congressional Delegation in a letter urging President Biden to increase the federal cost share for the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) program for debris removal and emergency protective measures to 100% in response to the severe storms and tornadoes that impacted the State of Alabama on January 12, 2023. Pursuant to President Biden’s approval of a major disaster declaration for the State of Alabama, the federal government now covers at least 75% of eligible costs of FEMA public assistance grants for disaster recovery.

“As officials and volunteers work around the clock to get Alabamians back on their feet following recent devastating storms, there is still a long road to recovery ahead,” said Senator Tommy Tuberville. “I hope President Biden acts swiftly to provide those impacted by the storms with as much support as possible.”

“While we are immensely grateful for President Biden’s swift approval of a major disaster declaration, additional federal resources are needed to ensure that our communities can fully recover,” said Rep. Sewell. “So many of our municipalities were still recovering from the financial devastation of Hurricanes Zeta and Sally and the COVID-19 pandemic when the January 12th storms tore through our state. I am proud to lead all nine members of the Alabama Delegation in requesting that President Biden increase the federal cost share for FEMA public assistance from 75 percent to 100 percent, and I thank my colleagues for their strong support.”

“In the aftermath of the severe weather that devastated our communities on January 12, we have seen the very best of our great state – people have banded together to help their fellow Alabamians recover and rebuild,” said Senator Katie Boyd Britt. “We are grateful for the incredible first responders, law enforcement officers, and volunteers who continue to devote their time, talent, and resources to these valiant efforts. While we appreciate the swift, collaborative support thus far offered by President Biden and FEMA, the situation on-the-ground makes it clear that additional federal resources are both warranted and needed as the recovery process moves forward. My office will continue to be in close contact with local, state, and federal officials to see how we can best support affected families, small businesses, and communities.”  

FEMA’s Public Assistance Program provides supplemental grants to state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, and certain types of private non-profits so communities can quickly respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies. After an event like a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or wildfire, communities need help to cover their costs for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and restoring public infrastructure. The federal share of assistance is at least 75 percent of the eligible cost. More information on the FEMA Public Assistance program can be found here.

The letter can be viewed here.