Tuberville and Colleagues Urge HELP Committee Hearing on Escalating Antisemitic Attacks on College Campuses

GOP members put pressure on Democrat Majority as antisemitic incidents are on the rise on college campuses.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and the seven other Republican Members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee in a letter urging HELP Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders(I-VT) to hold a hearing to ensure the Biden administration is upholding its legal responsibility to protect Jewish students from antisemitic harassment and attacks on college campuses.

Since Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7, there has been a disturbing rise in anti-Semitic incidents directed at Jewish students on college campuses, including a Jewish student’s dorm room door set on fire at Drexel University and swastikas drawn on dorm room doors and in bathrooms where Jewish students live at American University.

Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Department of Education (ED) has an obligation to ensure university programs or activities that receive federal funds do not discriminate against students. Last week, Sen. Cassidy urged the Biden administration to use its enforcement power under Title VI to ensure colleges and universities uphold their responsibilities to maintain a safe learning environment for Jewish students. While the administration has since announced new efforts to address anti-Semitism on campus, it does nothing to ensure colleges are responsibly handling these events and working to prevent them in the first place.

The senators seek direct engagement with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in a HELP Committee hearing to discuss the administration’s efforts to combat antisemitism on college campuses.

The full letter can be found here, and excerpts below. 

“Dear Chair Sanders:

In the wake of the mass murder of Jewish civilians by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, there has been a disturbing rise in anti-Semitic incidents, including targeted harassment and violent attacks, directed at Jewish students on college campuses. As the Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, we urge you to hold a bipartisan hearing on ensuring safe learning environments for Jewish students, as required by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” 

“We need to engage in a direct discussion with Department of Education leaders Secretary Miguel Cardona and Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon about the actions they are taking to address anti- Semitism on college campuses.”

“This hearing should be focused on the Department of Education’s anti-Semitism campaign over the last four months, its recent announcement to expedite processing of discrimination complaints under Title VI, the impact these actions have had, and how the Office of Civil Rights is ensuring safe learning environments for students in light of recent events.”

“The prospect of the destruction of state of Israel and more murders based on anti-Semitism are real. Let us be proactive on a bipartisan basis as we seek to ensure the civil rights of Jewish students are upheld and a safe environment for all students is maintained.”


Senator Tuberville stands unequivocally with Israel and believes the lives tragically lost are a result of Joe Biden’s appeasement of Iran. Joe Biden has let Iran off the hook by loosening sanctions, attempting to re-enter the Iran Nuclear Deal, and, most recently, negotiating $6 billion to Iran. Joe Biden’s appeasement of Iran has only emboldened them to work with Hamas to orchestrate terrorist attacks against our closest ally in the Middle East.

Last week, Coach Tuberville joined legislation to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel. Coach Tuberville also recently wrote an op-ed and sent a letter on the importance of separating Israel aid from Ukraine aid. 

In the wake of the terror attacks, Coach cosponsored the Revoke Iranian Funding Act to freeze the $6 billion in funding the Biden administration released to Iran at the bank in Qatar where it is currently being held. This would ensure these dollars are not used by Iran to promote terrorism against Israel or any other nation. 

Coach also cosponsored the Emergency Resupply for IRON DOME Act of 2023, a bill to authorize the Executive Branch to redirect U.S. foreign assistance away from Hamas-controlled Gaza and instead to help Israel replenish its Iron Dome, which has been highly effective in intercepting rockets and saving lives.

Coach also joined legislation to cut U.S. funds to the antisemitic United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The UNRWA has a history of employing individuals affiliated with Hamas, an Iranian-backed, U.S.- designated terrorist organization. Additionally, UNRWA schools have been used to store Hamas weapons and promote anti-Semitic education in their textbooks.

Coach also joined his colleagues in calling on President Joe Biden to enforce existing law and revoke the visas of foreign nationals who endorse or espouse activity in support of Hamas or other Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

Coach also joined at least thirty of his colleagues this week in sending a letter to President Biden asking him to prioritize rescuing American hostages that were taken by Hamas during its attacks on Israel and to support Israel’s efforts to wipe out Hamas. 

Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans Affairs, and HELP Committees.
