Tuberville Delivers Keynote Address to AMCOM’s Annual Industry Briefing

“The military’s mission would be impossible without innovative industry partners like you.”

“This year, I look forward to working with many of you to make our military as prepared, strong, and lethal as possible.”

“We must win, because our cause is just, and we will win because American men and women believe in that cause.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) today delivered a virtual keynote address to a crowd of more than 1,000 defense leaders at the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command’s (AMCOM) annual Advance Planning Briefing to Industry at Redstone Arsenal. Senator Tuberville spoke about his work on the Senate Armed Services Committee to secure key national security provisions for Alabama in the National Defense Authorization Act, the need for advanced military technology to combat America’s adversaries, and the ongoing campaign to move U.S. Space Command headquarters to Huntsville.

AMCOM is responsible for developing aviation, missile, and calibration materiel to the U.S. Army. The annual briefing at Redstone Arsenal brings military leaders together with defense contractors and other private sector representatives from across Alabama’s vast national security network.

Excerpts from Senator Tuberville’s remarks can be found below, and his full address can be viewed here.

“I want to start by thanking everyone in the room for what you do to support our service members. The United States military’s huge footprint is supported by public-private partnerships. It’s truly a team effort — and every one of you has an important position on Team USA.”

“One of things I enjoy most about my job in D.C. is serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee. It’s an honor to be a part of this vital committee, because I have a voice in supporting our warfighters and those who give them the tools they need to fight. I was excited to recently announce I will remain on the Armed Services Committee for the 118th Congress. This Congress, I have been selected to serve on the Subcommittees on Seapower, Strategic Forces, and Readiness and Management Support. These subcommittees were my top choices due to their vital role in deterring conflict. They will also give me the best opportunity to support my priorities for Alabama and our military, including restoring our naval might, increasing lethal capabilities, and supporting Space Command’s relocation to Redstone Arsenal.”

“The military’s mission would be impossible without innovative industry partners like you. Their work on the front lines is driven by your work in Alabama and across the country. So today, I want to discuss how we can work together to move our military forward and keep our country safe. My efforts in Washington should support your industries’ work to provide for our military.”

“You know better than anyone that our mission of keeping Americans safe is never over.”

“This year, I look forward to working with many of you to make our military as prepared, strong, and lethal as possible.  I’m fighting for a military that’s focused on national defense — and national defense alone. In short, we need more killing machines and less bureaucracy. To do that, we have to jumpstart American innovation — which is why your role is so important.”

“Our nation has defended freedom and democracy around the world. We have defeated fascism. We have defeated communism. And we will do it again. We will beat dictators in Russia and China who want freedom and democracy to be a thing of the past. Their vision of a new world order must be thrown on the trash heap of history.  We must win, because our cause is just, and we will win because American men and women believe in that cause.”

“The most important investment we make is in our warfighters. We have to make sure they have the best weaponry and equipment, and the smartest technology to do the job better today, and prepare for all the challenges of tomorrow. All of you in this room bring advanced technologies to help us compete with — and surpass — our enemies. I know we have folks from all over the country with us today, and I’m very proud to welcome you to Alabama.”

Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.
