Ahead of vote today, conservative and grassroots leaders across the country urged support for Tuberville resolution overturning taxpayer-funded abortions at VA medical facilities
WASHINGTON — Ahead of an expected vote in the U.S. Senate today, organizations representing tens of millions of Americans fervently support U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) effort to reverse a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) rule forcing taxpayers to fund abortions at VA medical facilities. In February, Senator Tuberville and U.S. Representative Michael Cloud (R-TX-27) introduced the bicameral joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the VA’s abortion rule.
Senator Tuberville will be leading a bipartisan group of senators to urge passage of the resolution at a press conference today at 10:45 a.m. ET. The press conference will be livestreamed on Senator Tuberville’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
Conservative leaders across the country have urged lawmakers to vote in favor of Senator Tuberville’s resolution.
Here’s what they are saying:
“The Biden administration’s newest attempts to make abortion universally available up to the moment of birth must be stopped. The IFR, which flouts Congress’s explicit prohibition on the VA providing abortions, is plainly illegal. Senators should vote in favor of Senator Tuberville’s resolution of disapproval and block the Biden administration from turning VA clinics into abortion clinics.” – Heritage Action for America
“This interim final rule proves that Secretary McDonough has caved to the demands of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the radical abortion lobby, to aggressively push abortion access, regardless of how it violates state and federal laws regarding abortion. Abortion is not health care—in fact, it carries serious physical and mental health risks to women and girls—and expanding abortion on demand into the VA is illegal. This is the latest egregious example of the pro-abortion extremism that is being foisted on the American people by this administration. President Biden himself used to agree taxpayers should never be forced to fund the destruction of innocent life, but now he is head of the most pro-abortion administration in history…Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America urges senators to vote to disapprove of taxpayer funding of abortion on demand and turning federal facilities into abortion centers. We will score in favor of this vote.” –Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
“The VA’s interim final rule inserts elective abortion into the health benefits package for veterans and dependents despite Congress’s express command that VA health programs not include the taking of preborn human life. The VA rule would allow abortions up until birth even in states where they are illegal. The VA rule also places the rights of conscience of VA employees at risk, which recent informal guidance from the Department does not adequately address. Our heroes are in need of authentic health care. Responding by turning veterans’ hospitals into illegal abortion providers is unconscionable. We urge you to overturn or defund implementation of this interim final rule.” –Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services, USA; and President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington and Chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
“The administration is using the VA to go around Congress and its intent to serve the health care needs of veterans. Congress was clear that abortion is not healthcare. Additionally, there are grave concerns about the conscience protections of employees and medical doctors who would be required to facilitate any part of or assisting in the actual abortion procedures that electively end the life of a preborn human being. Women and their unborn children deserve better health care. The VA should be busy finding ways to support veteran moms toward their decision to carry and raise a child, instead of quickly resolving the “solution” to a pregnancy is to offer ending the life of the child at taxpayer expense. Family Policy Alliance thanks Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) for leading this effort and encourages U.S. Senators to vote in favor of S.J. Res. 10 and overturn the Biden Administration’s attempts to implement its extreme abortion agenda.” –Ruth Ward, Director, Government Affairs, Family Policy Alliance
“The VA rule stands in direct violation of a bipartisan law that has remained in effect for decades, Section 106 of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-585, 106 Stat. 4943). In Section 106, Congress authorized the VA to provide certain health services to women veterans but explicitly prohibits abortion in VA health programs, except in rare service-related circumstances. The VA rule violates this provision by allowing for on-demand abortions, pursuant to the broad construction given the “health” of the mother exception…In short, the rule circumvents the legislative process by converting VA facilities into abortion providers in violation of a decades-old bipartisan federal law, and undercuts pro-life state laws that protect women and the unborn and the will of the American people. Our veterans and their families deserve laws and regulations that protect and nurture, not further exploit and endanger their health and safety. For these reasons, March for Life Action will score in favor of the Senator Tuberville’s Congressional Review Act resolution, S.J.Res. 10, in our annual scorecard for the 118th Congress.” –Felicia A. Pricenor, Esq., Vice President of Government Affairs, March for Life Action
“Veterans who need help for their service-connected injuries deserve it. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has done little more than turn veterans and their beneficiaries into a campaign prop for a radical, pro-abortion agenda. This rule is yet another sad example of the Administration’s unrestrained and ruthless quest for abortion-on-demand.” – Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee
“This policy seeks to promote abortion across our country through VA facilities in violation of federal law. It will use scarce resources that should instead be dedicated to helping veterans receive the quality healthcare they are owed. Our veterans and the men and women who serve in the Veterans Administration deserve better than to become political pawns in this administration’s unprecedented desire to promote abortion at home and abroad. On behalf of FRC, I strongly encourage you to vote for Sen. Tuberville’s S.J.Res.10, a congressional resolution of disapproval to overturn this harmful rule. FRC will score in favor of this vote.” –Quena Gonzalez, Senior Director of Government Affairs, Family Research Council
“March for Life applauds Senator Tuberville’s leadership and courageous defense of unborn life with the introduction of S.J. Res 10, which will prevent the illicit (and unpopular) use of taxpayer dollars to fund on-demand abortions up until birth for veterans, their wives, and daughters. We encourage Senators to support this resolution and halt the radical abortion agenda of the Biden administration in the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. The VA rule allows for abortion on demand, up until the moment of birth. This policy would not only allow for the destruction of innocent, pain-capable life in the womb but it would also fly in the face of the will of the American people who overwhelmingly reject abortion extremism, particularly late term and taxpayer funded abortion.” -Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life
“The Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 explicitly prohibits the VA from providing abortion services. I’m proud to support Senator Tuberville’s resolution to fight the Biden VA’s illegal rule providing unrestricted, taxpayer-funded abortions. This is an abuse of executive power.” -U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin
The resolution, which has 35 cosponsors in the Senate and 51 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, has been endorsed by Susan B. Anthony Pro Life-America, March for Life, National Right to Life, Catholic Vote, Heritage Action for America, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Family Research Council, and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
On September 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced its intention to begin providing abortion services for veterans and their dependents through the taxpayer-funded VA health care system. This is a blatant violation of Section 106 of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, which explicitly prohibits the VA from providing abortion services.
On October 11, 2022, Senator Tuberville joined 38 of his congressional colleagues in a letter to Secretary McDonough opposing the VA’s rule. On February 8, 2023, Senator Tuberville led a group of more than 65 colleagues in introducing this bicameral joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to reverse the VA’s abortion rule.
The CRA gives Congress the authority to review major rules issued by federal agencies before they take effect. If Congress disapproves of a rule via resolution, the rule will have no force or effect under the law.
FOX NEWS: Sen. Tuberville, Rep. Cloud introduce resolution to stop Veteran’s Affairs from providing abortions
PRESS RELEASE: Tuberville, Cloud Lead Bicameral Effort to Block Illegal VA Abortion Rule
PRESS RELEASE: Tuberville, Colleagues Urge VA to Stop Providing Illegal Abortions
PRESS RELEASE: Tuberville Presses VA Secretary About Priorities for Veterans’ Care
WATCH: Tuberville Questions Secretary McDonough About VA Abortions
1819 NEWS: Tuberville pushes resolution to fight VA abortion rules
YELLOWHAMMER: Tuberville leads effort to block VA abortion rule