ICYMI: Tuberville Joins Fox Business to Discuss Biden’s Border Crisis

“This is war on America.”

WASHINGTON  U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business Network to discuss President Biden’s mass amnesty Executive Order, which will make the problems at the Southern Border even worse.

Senator Tuberville recently forced a vote on the Border Safety and Security Act, a bill that would shut down the border until the Department of Homeland Security regains operational control, but Democrats blocked the bill from proceeding.

Excerpts from Senator Tuberville’s remarks can be found below, and his full interview can be watched on YouTube or Rumble

KUDLOW: “Mr. Tuberville, as always sir, welcome. Look, the courts challenged Trump, but he went through with his executive orders anyway. Joe Biden could have done this three and a half years ago, as you well know. But here’s my question: he’s using now, finally, Section 212F of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Alright. Finally. But—but, but, but, but, there’s something as you know called 287G, which is the deportation of criminals, right? So, the Border Patrol people can work with local law enforcement, get through this sanctuary city business, and deport criminals. And that to me is just as important as anything else, and Biden won’t touch that. Why not, Senator?”

TUBERVILLE: “Well, he won’t touch it, Larry, because he believes in mass amnesty. That’s all this is. Get your popcorn and Coke out. Because here it comes—another trick show, another dog and pony show. They’re gonna push this on the American people. They think we’re stupid. This is war on America. I heard a senator from Arizona [say], ‘this is the greatest thing ever.’ This is stupidity. The American taxpayers need protection. The citizens need protection, Larry. It is out of control. These people can smell a scent of an election coming up. It’ll get worse and worse as we go. They see the polls. It’s all about polling. They’re getting killed in the election. They know it, and they’re trying to trick the American people into something that it’s not. They’re not gonna deport anybody. They want everybody to come here possible. 75,000 [illegals per month] is just what Joe Biden wants. He’s gonna let Mayorkas bring in many more on the side with exceptions.”

KUDLOW: “Well, that’s the thing. Nobody knows this numbers game. And all of our [reports say] the same thing. You know, if you combine exceptions with whatever 2,500 a day, and then you combine that. They’re flying them into cities. I mean, nobody knows what this is gonna amount to. It probably means a little bit less. But then again, Senator Tuberville, do you think there’ll be less? I mean honestly, do you think the word is out, and we’re going to strengthen the Border Patrol? Now the Border Patrol would probably like to be strengthened, but I don’t see the Biden administration really doing that. Do you think any of this will be enforced? Honestly?”

TUBERVILLE: “No. No. No, it’ll never be enforced, Larry. They want more voters. They want more people here that will listen to them, that will abide by them, that will vote for them to do everything they pass we can to do that. It’s costing American taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. Unfortunately, crime is everywhere. But we gotta get control of this. Again, it is a war on our country. There’s no Republican or Democrat anymore, Larry. This is anti-American—they want it their way. We wanna keep America and our Constitution our way. It’s a war. And we better start understanding that. We better wake up to it because what they’re trying to do here is just trick us into something else. All it is is smoke and mirrors, a magic show. That’s all they know how to do. They are not going to change one thing. They’re gonna let them come in. They’re gonna let them destroy our country. And here they come from Palestine pretty soon, Larry. Remember I told you that. I told you this a little earlier, they will be bringing people from Palestine in in the very near future.”

KUDLOW: “Wow. Alright. We’ll have to leave it there. Folks are not dumb, Senator Tuberville. You are a 100% right about that, sir. Anyway, thanks for helping out today. We appreciate it very, very much.”

Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees. 
